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Brothers Give Thanks

Ask any brother what their favorite part of AKPsi is, and it’s likely that they’ll tell you the thing that means most to them is the brotherhood they gain when they pledge their membership. It’s hard not to feel ridiculously lucky when you look around and recognize that you’re surrounded by some of the most incredible individuals UW-Madison has to offer (a subjective assessment, sure, but I’ve never found it to be untrue). This year, we asked our brothers what they were thankful for and the responses proved to be the perfect reminder of just how much everyone means to one another. AKPsi is such a wonderful community to join at UW-Madison and we’re thankful everyday for each other and the opportunities the organization offers. Happy Thanksgiving!

Messages from our Members:

"I am definitely thankful for my pledge class and how many people decided to stick with it all four years of college. I am also extremely thankful for all of the younger kids taking it to the next level and trying to improve AKPsi as a whole. It wouldn't be nearly as put together or elite without you guys!" -Stasha Anderson

"Thankful for the genuine care and support from my brothers." -Blake Auer

“I owe a million thank yous to the Fall 2016 Membership Team for introducing me to my best friends. I've found an official (s/o to Zac, Nick, Allison, Dan, Lizzie, and Jacob) and unofficial family in AKPsi and I couldn't be more lucky to know such incredible people. I had no idea how much it would change my life to join this organization -- in terms of its effect on my professional development, friendships, ability to serve the community, education-- and now I couldn't imagine my college career any other way. ” -Lauren Bayer

“I am thankful for the support from my brothers, whether it be in academics or personal adversities. A smile can go a long way. ” -Elise Birkle

"I'm thankful for all the dope ass people I've met (especially in Dublin) and for all the professional events that have turned me into a mogul." -Ben Blomgren

"I'm so thankful for all of the people I have met in AKPsi, and especially for my AKPsi fam. My big, Thomas, is so talented and hardworking and I hope to be a role model like that to my little, Matt. :)" -Annie Brennan

"Jeremy Swanson." -Shea Brennan

"One thing I'm thankful for in AKPsi is that I know everyone has my back -- from my good friends to my brothers." -Rachel Brunke

"I'm thankful that upperclassmen in AKPsi were genuinely enthused about my (our) success and gave back time and professional wisdom." - Bryce Buchinger

"I’m thankful for the contagious ambition! " -Micah Christofferson

"I am thankful for my big, Bryan Laude, and my pledge trainer, Riley Rafko, as I look up to both of them as role models." -Jimmy Crimmins

"As cliche as it sounds, I'm thankful that AKPsi has provided me with a community of friends that not only push me to achieve my professional and career goals but push me to be a better friend and person overall. I'm so lucky to say that I've been a part of this org and I'm thankful for every single one of my brothers and their drive to be the best they can be." -Haley Cullen

"I am thankful that AKPsi is unique to any other organization that I’ll ever be a part of. I’m thankful to be part of a group of 150+ college students who are so tight-knit, supportive, loving, authentic, friendly, and inclusive of each other." -Gabi Davies

"I am thankful for all my brothers who motivate and inspire me to be the best version of myself." -Janelle Davies

"Lifetime friendships and a never-ending support system!" -Jeremy Dobbs

"I'm thankful for the amazing family that I have in AKPsi, that continues to push me to be the best version of myself." -Ian Eickhoff

"I'm thankful for the lasting friendships that I've formed in AKPsi that have made my college experience as great as it has been." -Nick Feuillerat

"Eryn Hartnett. If I wasn't in an organization like Akpsi I don't think I ever would've met her. We've both agreed that we're completely different people with a completely different perspective but have similar final opinions. I'm thankful for her friendship and how she's affected my life without even realizing. Additionally, I'm thankful for the time and effort people in AKPsi put into fellow brothers' success and development. Specifically, I'd like to give a shout out to Lisa Luk for being so willing to help me with both coursework and internship opportunities. She's never hesitated to make her best effort to help me as much as she can. " -Tom Fiedler

"I'm thankful for Allison Hill! She has been one of my best friends and my rock throughout all the stressful exams and interviews. I can't imagine my college experience without her." -Nick Flatt

“I'm thankful for my big, Alex Blethen, who has helped me develop professionally and has never failed to answer random questions I text him. I am also thankful to the Fall 2016 Membership Team and my Pledge Class for just being amazing and pushing me to be a better person and better business professional.” -Ethan Gillman

"I'm thankful for AKPsi because my brothers inspire me every day. Everyone brings new ideas, experiences, and perspectives to the table, which has opened my eyes to so many amazing opportunities. I truly believe that I wouldn't have the goals and motives that I do today without AKPsi." -Renee Glomski

"I'm thankful for AKPsi being a co-ed 'frat.'" -Ush Gupta

"I am thankful for the intellectual stimulation from my Brothers." -Ben Gust

"I’m thankful for the opportunities it’s provided me to develop both on a professional and personal level." -Cole Gustke

"I am thankful for AKPsi because my brothers make me laugh, which never fails to brighten my day! I know that isn't very deep - there are a million reasons I could say why I'm thankful for them. But sometimes you just gotta take time to appreciate the little things, because they really do mean SO much <3" -Ally Gustke

"Something about AKPsi that I'm grateful for is having a community of friends that are looking out for your best interests. This chapter is a place to grow, learn, and have some fun, and I am very lucky to be a part of it." -Alex Hahn

"I am thankful for Alex Nelson for being a fantastic friend and always being there for me." -Steven Harris

"I’m thankful for the motivation and positivity that so many members of AKPsi have brought into my life. It’s rare, if not impossible, to find a group of people as driven and supportive as my brothers in AKPsi." -Michael Hartlieb

"I'm thankful for a community that pushes me to grow, but also one full of intentional people who I know I can rely on for almost anything." -Eryn Hartnett

"I am thankful to be part of a group of individuals that simultaneously impresses me, motivates me, pushes me, and inspires me." -Olivia Hofeld

"I am thankful for the friends I have made over the past two semesters and how much they have impacted my college career for the better!" -Erin Hogaboom

"Thankful for the network and relationships that I've been able to develop!" -Elijah Isenberger

"I am thankful for a community of good hearts. Through AKPsi, I have made some of my best friends who've impacted me in unique ways; from being role models at distance to being my roommates. These people inspire me, known or unknown. Yes, as professionals and academic geniuses, but largely as people. There are good, passionate hearts among us in AKPsi and for that, we should all be thankful." -Morgan Jameson

"I am thankful for my big who is an amazing person, friend, and brother and has been an inspiration to me during my time in AKPsi." -Connor Jones

"I'm thankful to be in AKPsi because it literally changed my life. I wouldn't have met so many of the people I'm extremely close to and I'm thankful for that." -Saad Khan

"I am thankful for AKPsi because it has served as a niche that has made a campus of 43,338 students feel small. One powerful thing that has resonated with me about the individuals of AKPsi is their willingness to share knowledge. Time and time again, brothers of AKPsi go above and beyond to answer questions and help one another succeed. I am thankful for Riley for being a role model through my pledge semester of exactly the type of person that I would want to be, I am thankful for Bennett for making time out of his busy schedule to meet with me about his internship experience, and I am thankful for my pledge class for being such a warm and welcoming group. Though a couple sentences doesn’t encompass it all, Alpha Mu continues to inspire me every day." -Riddhi Kashyap

"I'm thankful that the people of AKPsi encourage me to be better not only to others but also to myself." -Karl Kawders

"I'm thankful for AKPsi because it has surrounded me with driven and hardworking people!" -Anika Kharkar

"I’m thankful for the brotherhood. AKPsi is filled with an incredible group of people that are really great to compete against in order to push yourself further, but also a group of people that will pick you up and celebrate your accomplishments. You don’t find that everywhere, and I’m lucky to have had that with AKPsi—these friendships will certainly last well beyond graduation." -Skyler King

"I'm thankful for AKPsi because it's allowed me to meet and become friends with people that I would never have met without AKPsi!" -Alex Kiritsy

"I am thankful for Justin Senzer for being my best friend, supporting all of my decisions both good and bad, for being brutally honest and most importantly for rushing AKPsi with me because it was the best decision I've made in college." -Anna Kippley

"I am thankful for the unconditional love I receive on a daily basis from all my brothers. It can be hard trying to figure my way through college, but having 100+ brothers right there with me by my side really makes this adventure a lot better." -Johnny Kohlbeck

"I’m thankful for some of the dopest, most ambitious, helpful and hardworking brothers I️ could have asked for. I’m also thankful that we switched the Qdoba fundraiser to Chipotle. Lastly, I’m thankful for the speed networking round of rush, too, lmao. " -Joey Kraker

"I'm really thankful to be surrounded by such driven individuals that are so invested in each others' successes to the same extent as their own!" -Kelly Lamb

"The greatest part of AKPsi is by far the brothers. I am thankful that we have such a strong support system, not only to celebrate our successes with but also to help us up when we need a hand." -Bryan Laude

"I’m thankful for always having people to sit with in the Grainger Cafe!" -Matt LeBeau

"I'm so grateful for AKPsi, but one aspect that I'm extremely grateful for is my pledge class. Through the ups and downs, my pledge class is always there to support and encourage me. They are my closest friends and I don't know what I would do without them." -Michael Lesar

"I am thankful for AKPsi because of the constant community of positive and driven individuals." -Leah Levy

"I'm so thankful for the family I've found through my AKPsi brothers. They inspire and support me every day!" -Rachel Ley

"Thankful for the relationships AKPsi has given me ." -Max Loescher

“I am so thankful for an organization whose members are constantly developing newer members into confident, successful business people -- all while forming close bonds between each other and in addition, helping to make a positive impact on the community :)” -Lisa Luk

"I’m thankful for all the friendships that AKPsi has brought into my life. I met my best friends through AKPsi and have lived with at least one person from my pledge class every year while in college. I’ve also gone to the B1G 10 championship and have had unforgettable moments all with AKPsi brothers." -Fernando Mandujano

“I'm thankful for my AKPsi Brothers who have not only helped me to grow professionally, but have also become my closest friends.” -Dominick Mariscal

"I'm grateful for all the smiling faces that AKPsi provides :)" -Brian Mays

"Something about AKPsi that I am grateful for is the friendships formed through the org! AKPsi feels like a family because of the support and kindness we show one another. I'm grateful for all the great memories we have all made together and can't wait for many more :)" -Lauren Meyer

"I am thankful for AKPsi because it led me to a group of friends who push me and motivate me to be the best possible version of myself. At the same time, they are always there for me and I can be myself around them." -Henry Mirsberger

"Thankful for the brothers who support me wherever and whenever I need it. From super days to cramming for exams, I know I'm always in good hands." -Rahul Mital

"I am thankful for a family of brothers who always have my back and push me to achieve my goals." -Bennett Miyagawa

"I'm most thankful for the brothers that make Grainger feel like home :)" -Emil Mostrom

"I'm thankful for the amazing people and lifelong connections I've made. I can't wait to dance like crazy at all of their weddings." -Alex Nelson

"I'm thankful for my AKPsi family and for all the opportunities that AKPsi has given me to learn about myself and the world around me. Without the energy and enthusiasm of everyone in AKPsi, my college experience would not have been the same. I will be forever grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of such an amazing group of individuals." -Mariah Nelson

"My brooklyn6 girls!!! " -Kate Piechowski

"I am thankful for the culture of our chapter where we push each other to reach our full potential and support everyone’s successes along the way." -Luke Pitzo

"I'm thankful to be part of a community of passionate, driven individuals that are constantly pushing each other to excel." -Riley Rafko

"The ability to surround myself with such driven, motivating, and uplifting people." -Dan Rascher

"I am incredibly thankful for AKPsi because I am surrounded by people who add so much joy and support to my life. It's so hard to find a perfect group of friends who inspire you to become a better person, student, and professional, and I feel so lucky to have found my people." -Diana Xiong

"I am thankful for the companionship, reliability, and trust that I have in people from AKPsi!" -Brady Rettler

"One person I'm specifically thankful for is my big, Michael! He's been the greatest friend and mentor over the past couple years, and now that we've both accepted jobs in Chicago, that friendship (along with many others) will for sure continue beyond college!" -Kristen Robinson

"My roommate, Ally Gustke, for making me rush. My big for being great. My wonderful PC. The professional skills I've gained. The memories made. Brotherhood chat. Butters." -Allison Rohde

"I'm thankful for brothers that love and respect me for who I am :)" -Ben Sciortino

"This holiday season, I'm thankful for our Executive Board and Management Team. They truly have made my transition to President so smooth, and make my job a lot easier on a day-to-day basis. We have a diverse group in regards to age and experience, and I love that they are never afraid to push the envelope and influence change in our organization. Overall, I'm just very thankful to be surrounded by such committed and driven individuals." -Aaron Scully

"I'm thankful for the social and professional support system my brothers create and love being around brilliant people who all have different perspectives. It's hard to capture everything I'm thankful for, because there are so many things -- I love everyone and everything about AKPpsi." -Danielle Talatian

"When I've faced tough times, my brothers have knowingly or unknowingly been my biggest supporters. I'm most thankful for AKpsi always being there to support me and for being my family at college. " -Michael Tanke

"I'm thankful for the bond and support that is fostered through the brotherhood in AKPsi. I'm thankful that AKPsi gives you an opportunity to grow, as well as to help others achieve!!" -Allie Tarnoff

"I am thankful for the bond we all have and the willingness to go out of our way to help each other out with anything and everything. Also for the life-long friendships AKPsi has given me." -Kenzie Tighe

"I'm thankful for my AKPsi brothers not only because of how much they help and support me but also how much their drive and ambitions inspire me to push myself and aim for success. Every day, I am reminded of how much gratitude I have for being part of this brotherhood and it is something I will always appreciate about my college experience." -Brian Treacy

“I'm thankful for all of the meaningful friends and relationships that I've formed in AKPsi. Not only are they great friends, but they also want the best for me and want me to succeed, which is something that I'm very grateful for. ” -Nick Van Drisse

"Definitely thankful to have met a ton of people looking to make a positive impact on others and give back to the community!" -Riley Voss

"One thing I am especially thankful for is the friends that I've made. From this organization, I've met amazing people -- including some of my best friends. Friends that I know I will have a lifelong friendship with -- well after college." -Amy Walkowski

"Literally every person you meet in AKPsi is just a genuinely good person.... I'm probably getting sentimental since I'm a senior and all that, but I've known a lot of these people almost my entire college career and a day doesn't go by that they don't support me, care for me, and love each other and I'm so thankful for everyone and don't know where I would be without them!!" -Maddy Watchmaker

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